Donaldson M002490 Rain Cap, 6" Stainless (OEM)

Donaldson® M002490 Rain Cap, 304 Stainless Steel, For Use With: Exhaust Stacks

Donaldson® M002490 Rain Cap, 304 Stainless Steel, For Use With: Exhaust Stacks M002490

The exhaust stack cap is designed to be mounted on top of a vertical straight exhaust stack pipe and prevents water and debris from entering the stack. The stack cap is not watertight during pressure washes or under strong wind conditions. Use zinc-plated or chrome stack caps where exhaust gas temperatures are less than 900 deg F. For exhaust gas temperatures above 900 deg F, use 304 stainless steel stack caps.
Donaldson® Rain Cap, 304 Stainless Steel, 6 in Diameter, For Use With: Exhaust Stacks

Diameter      :      6 in
Material      :      304 Stainless Steel
Suitable For Use With      :      Exhaust Stacks
  • Single bolt mount
  • pdfCatalog
  • pdfSpecification Sheet