Our specialists in NDE, quality assurance, welding, and regulatory requirements across a variety of industries are routinely called upon to develop and assist in the implementation of quality programs, personnel certification programs per NAS-410, SNT-TC-1A, ANSI/ASNT CP-189, etc. and readiness for accreditation audits such as Nadcap, NQA-1, ISO 9000, etc.
Our NDE Level III Examiners can develop your written practice for the qualification and certification of your NDE personnel and we can provide certified technicians to work alongside your personnel while they accumulate their required training and on the job experience hours.
We can assist in the development and implementation of your internal and vendor audit programs, including assignment of Quality Assurance Management Professionals to create administrative documents and Certified Lead Auditors to perform audits or vendor surveillance inspections.
Our programs are fully accredited in accordance with NQA-1/10CFR50 Appendix B/ISO 17025-2017 for the nuclear industry; AS9100D/ISO9001:15, FAA and EASA Repair Station Certification for the aircraft industry; Note5000 (Subsafe) and Tech Pub 271 with procedures written in accordance with Navsea 250-1500 for the ship building industry.