RegO ECL502-123 Economizer Regulator

REGO® ECL502 Series ECL502-123 Economizer Regulator, 1/4 in Nominal, FNPT Connection, 235 psig, 50 to 175 psig Pressure

REGO® ECL502 Series ECL502-123 Economizer Regulator, 1/4 in Nominal, FNPT Connection, 235 psig, 50 to 175 psig Pressure ECL502-123

REGO® Economizer Regulator, Series: ECL502 Series, 1/4 in Nominal, FNPT Connection, 235 psig, 50 to 175 psig, Argon, Nitrogen, Oxygen Media, 0.58 in Top to Inlet Center, Brass Body, -320 to 165 deg F, 3-1/2 in H

Body Material      :      Brass
Connection Type      :      FNPT
Dimensions      :      3-1/2 in H
Media      :      Argon, Nitrogen, Oxygen
Nominal Size      :      1/4 in
Pressure Rating      :      235 psig, 50 to 175 psig
Series      :      ECL502 Series
Temperature Rating      :      -320 to 165 deg F
Top to Inlet Center      :      0.58 in
  • ECL502 Series design provides premium flow characteristics allowing for fast pressure reduction while maintaining sensitive flow control at lower pressure settings
  • All materials of construction copper alloy, PTFE and stainless steel were selected for compatibility with cryogenic service
  • 150 count mesh Monel screens installed into the inlet and outlet ports prevent debris from entering or damaging any downstream components
  • Interchangeable with existing cryogenic economizer units
  • Bi-directional flow for LNG fuel systems
  • Cleaned for oxygen service per CGA G-4.1
  • Designed in accordance with UNECE.R110 19 to 340 psig
  • pdfCatalog
  • pdfSpecification Sheet